Tuesday 17 November 2009

A Christian Woman Speaks Her Mind

I thought I’d die when I accidentally saw that half-nekkid Sarah Palin woman on the cover of a magazine in public view. And now she’s all indignant about it when she should be ashamed of herself for showing off her body. Why, back in my day, we’d never even heard of a word like ‘sexist’—whatever it means, it sounds filthy. And why does that woman want to have a man’s job anyway?

She should never have got all tarted up in the first place running in that beauty contest. That sort of thing isn’t for a decent young lady, only for a Charlotte-the-Harlot and other Loose Lindas.

The female has the duty to cover herself, act modestly and to teach her girls to honor the temple of their souls by withdrawing their flesh from public gaze and discouraging the lustful thoughts of men. In the Last Days before the Rapture, fornicating women will be swept away by the wrath of God Almighty and will not enter the Kingdom. So Sarah can just stew in her own juice for putting on those awful short pants—never mind letting them take her picture in them. My Harold never once saw my knees in 52 years of marriage—I’d rather be torn apart by lions.

This all started when women forgot about the sacrament of holy matrimony and allowed their young men to have coitus with them in a premarital state—and even cohabitate openly! It’s no wonder young people began to smoke marihuana and take drugs. If you got pregnant, no problem, just go to a doctor and kill it.

I knew things were going bad when they took prayer out of our public schools. When you don’t teach children to respect God, any blessed thing can happen and probably will—like women going off to work instead of remaining in their rightful sphere to provide loving care for their children and keeping the linens fresh.

Women acting like wild animals living in treetops—all that came about because the liberal secular humanists who run the media want to teach our children that our granddaddies were some sort of baboons in Africa and to forget what they read in the Bible. Who ever heard such nonsense in the entire 6,000 years of the created universe?

That Palin woman should have her hands full with all those babies, so I don’t know what she’s all up in arms about just because she got her silly puss in front of a camera somewhere. A Christian wife wouldn’t have troubles like those, so I say, Read the Bible, young woman, and don’t wait for Thursday prayer meeting! Get right with God, and stop whining about troubles you brought on yourself!

1 comment:

calplanr said...

Priceless! Amen Sister!